Friday, November 11, 2022

Mahogany Frog - On Blue. 2005 Canada-Manitoba

Alrighty - climbing back into the saddle here. Ever so slowly. Just returned from 2 straight weeks of business travel in Chicago and Phoenix. Managed to wiggle away for a little free time and check out some record stores as well, though no major finds. And there was only one day home sandwiched in between, that which was completely filled by us selling at the Colorado Springs Record Show. Pretty crazy sequence of events. 

OK - let's move over to CDs now, since Morning Sky was the last of the new LP arrivals.

On Blue had come up through the weed out stack where the survival rate is very low these days. But happy to say On Blue made it. This is the kind of music I'm really appreciating - highly melodic, analog fuzzy, and prog rock minded. I've never really gone too much for post rock - a bit too static for my tastes - and Winnipeg's Mahogany Frog have those tendencies. But there's also a strong Canterbury flavor here, a style that seems to be a natural fit for post rock. It's a very short album, barely clearing 30 minutes, indicating its preference to be a vinyl release (which it was too). Because of its brevity I listened to it four times straight which allows more time for the melodies to sink. Each listen was better than the last. Those are the kind of albums you want to keep.

Ownership: CD: 2005 private. I think they call this a digifile sleeve. Sort of a like an oversized thin papersleeve combined with a digipak. Looks like I picked this up in 2009 not long after getting their next album DO5.

1//09; 12/20/18; 11/11/22 (new entry)

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