Sunday, October 23, 2022

Duran Duran. 1981 England

Some recent UMR thoughts about Duran Duran: "(Rio) One of those albums that define my high school years, or the latter part of them. I was favorable to Duran Duran even back then, but didn't go so far as to buy their albums. I was still a metal head getting into progressive and electronic. Duran Duran were for the boys who "played for the other team" (don't make me explain)... They have an edge on them, with great guitar and superb songwriting."

"Duran Duran - Seven and the Ragged Tiger. 1983. Well didn't this end up being a disappointment?... Side 1 is particularly boring. Side 2 is much more interesting but not enough to save it. I'd call it good on the whole, but that certainly isn't going to cut it. Garden variety New Wave. Misses the energy and punchiness of Rio that's for sure."

"I was never a collector of any of this real time. New Wave / Synth Pop was all the rage when I was in high school. I chose a different route: Heavy Metal... But Duran Duran? Be serious. Now I'm getting all soft in the middle, and finding these albums in thrift shops and bargain bins has been a blast. While also discovering some new cool sounds I completely missed the first go round. Nostalgia has kicked in, though it was always background radio and movie soundtracks for me. You know all those movies that portray 80's boys with poofy hair, lipstick, and eye makeup? Yea, I remember them too. That wasn't me."

And now we get to their debut. I'd been looking for this title for awhile. It's out there, but usually more than I want to pay. The Denver Record show came to the rescue again. This is very much the prototype for Rio and represents what I like from the band. Punchy, aggressive, and catchy. And what is with the finale 'Tel Aviv'? An all instrumental, almost prog rock track! This is my kind of X-Wave. I suspect this and Rio is all I'll keep from Duran Duran.

Ownership: LP: 1983 Capitol. Single sleeve, acquired as noted above (2022). This 1983 repressing came after Rio proved to be a major seller. It features a different photograph of the band, a new logo, and replaces one track with 'Is There Something I Should Know?'. I haven't heard the missing song, but I'm glad the latter made it onto here as it's the only song I recognize from the album (well maybe 'Girls on Film' too) and is very representative of their sound at this time.

10/23/22 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...