Friday, February 4, 2022

Treacle People. 2006 Germany

Another nice discovery here. I remember when this came out, as I tracked it real time. Not really sure why I didn't pursue it, because the descriptions had my name all over it. Then again, there were seemingly hundreds of interesting new products coming out then, and I just didn't have the time or funds to pursue them all. Treacle People can easily be described as retro hard rock with Hammond organ. Very much sounds like an album of the 70s, and the tracks have a slight proggy vibe, typical of the German landscape a generation before. For fans of Birth Control, Jane, Nektar, Galaxy, Gift, etc...

Ownership: LP: 2006 World in Sound. Nice gatefold sleeve. Recent online acquisition and cheap at that. It's a bit surprising to me that LPs like this have actually depreciated in the marketplace. BTW, the date of the LP is clearly marked as 2006 on the back cover. I should add it to Discogs. All the discographies have this originally released in 2005, and it's possible the CD did come out then, but I cannot find visual evidence of that either.

new entry


  1. My friend, the CD came in 2006 as well. I'm just looking at its cover in my collection. By the way, the name Treacle People came from a UFO song off their debut album.

    1. Thank you for both the clarification and reference. I missed the UFO connection entirely. Good call out!


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