Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Quintessence - Dive Deep. 1971 England

It was only some 3 years ago that I wrote about Quintessence's debut, an album that I had only been introduced to in 2014. You can read my thoughts there, but it's remarkable that Quintessence possess exactly the kind of sound I enjoy, yet I was so late to the party. I knew their second and third albums were supposed to be similar, and I secretly hoped I would find them in the wilds. After all, I do recall seeing them in the record bins in the 80s and 90s. But no such luck. Since I was happy with Repertoire's CD of In Blissful Company, I decided to cut in line and grab Dive Deep. 

Dive Deep is the 3rd Quintessence album and is very similar in construct to the debut. They have a distinct psychedelic edge, which I attribute more towards their interest in Indian music. Other than the final track, all of the music is laced with psychy guitar, flute, and percussion. They're a full 6 piece, so you don't get shorted on instrumentation. I'm not quite as reminded of Marsupilami as I was for In Blissful Company, but one could see this as a direction they could have gone as well. Because the album ends with a more traditional Indian piece, it seems many have written the album off as background restaurant music, or something similar. But Dive Deep would be awfully irritating for that setting I would think. Yet another excellent album, and I look forward to hearing their second album at some point.

Ownership: CD: 2005 Repertoire. Recent online acquisition. Colorful digi-pak with excellent liner notes from Chris Welch. The notes contain a band overview, and are slightly different to Welch's notes on In Blissful Company, which he had penned 2 years earlier.

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