Saturday, November 14, 2020

Don Robertson - Spring. 1984 USA-Colorado

I remember reading about this album in Eurock back in the 80s. They had referenced his debut album Dawn from 1969 as a classic of its kind. I have since heard that album (though still do not own), and have to agree that it is a unique early psychedelic infused new age styled work. I presumed Spring would be New Age without the psychedelic aspects, especially 15 years later. Yes and no. It's not really New Age at all, at least as the term has come to mean - that of a hollow digital recording, canned percussion, and saccharine melodies. And while it's not exactly psychedelic in the 60s sense of the word, there is a disorienting aspect to his sound here. Primarily what Robertson has managed to achieve here is the same kind of "crystalline" sound that Klaus Schulze did on 'Crystal Lake' (Mirage). And yes, there is a Berlin School component here. There's a lot of depth to the composition and sound structure. One of a kind to my ears. A pleasant surprise and explains why this album is sought after.

Ownership: 1984 DBR. Single sleeve. Never reissued. Interesting to note that Robertson thanks Bernard Xolotl on the back cover (another unique electronic musician of the early 80s). Found this at a thrift store in Wyoming recently. One of many good scores from our trip to South Dakota.

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