Thursday, August 13, 2020

Niacin - Time Crunch. 2001 USA

Interesting to hear Time Crunch immediately after Love Cry Want. Niacin has many of the same qualities in terms of sound, but Time Crunch is a far more focused effort. The advantage of coming along later and learning from other's mistakes I suppose. Perhaps not as experimental nor raw for some fans, but I prefer this actually. Niacin are a fairly well know band - at least in the world I usually reside, and this is the first album I've heard by them. An interesting response to the guitar fronted trio, as the trusty Hammond B3 proves up to the challenge of maintaining interest throughout. Don't know if I need a lot more of this, but certainly Time Crunch is a fine representative for my personal collection.

As an aside, I recently ran into a psych single that organist John Novello (native of Erie, Pennsylvania) was a part of. The band was called Symon Grace & The Tuesday Blues. From that I learned he later formed a prog group named C.J. Brie in the early 70s based on Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. Not sure if any recordings survived. Would be most interesting to hear.

Ownership: CD: 2001 Magna Carta. Got this in a bulk buy last year, which I forgot all about. Just now digging into the stack.

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