Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fleetwood Mac - Rumours. 1977 England

It was the beginning of 1977 that I first began to listen to FM radio intently. With my new all-in-one Sanyo stereo including tape deck, the idea that I could actually tape what was on the radio was mind blowing, and given my organizational nature (even back then), I would spend hours listening for the best songs to put on compilation tapes. I think that's why my parents bought it for me. No more Genius Hans to worry about! Here's dinner under the door....

If Rumours wasn't the album played most in 1977, it certainly was in the running for top spot. The music here was really too mature for what I was looking for back then. I was all of 12, and it seemed to be massively popular not with the kids I went to school with, but rather those 3 to 10 years older. By the time I got to high school in 1979, the music world was a-changin', and Rumours was just music for older people as far as I saw it. But that didn't stop the radio from playing the hits from this album over and over. And here we are some 42 years later, and the radio still plays these songs as if that's all we want to hear. Like they locked in their play list in 1978 and refused to budge. The heyday of FM radio I guess. Similar to Watergate and investigative journalism. They want that moment in time back.

I don't and never did...want that time back, that is. Had I heard this album all the way through before? Oh probably - may have even taped it in full (ooh, Mick Fleetwood would not have liked that, no sirree). I didn't rate it, because I can't honestly say I'd heard it in recent times (recent = last 20 years).

It seems I've heard this album anyway - just through pure inculcation. Thank you K*** 105 and W*** 98, etc... For the known tracks - the inescapable ones - I would say my opinion hasn't changed much since I was 12. Guess I haven't evolved much huh? Well I know that's not true, but maybe it is with MOR records. So for my DNA, 'The Chain' is still great, and 'Dreams' I can listen to without cringing. The rest - make it stop. As for the few unknown tracks, I did find myself enjoying the last 2. Not enough to keep the album mind you. I'm not going to say this is a bad album - that's crazy. The songs are well written, but they just don't resonate with me at all. Probably how my parents felt about Elvis.

The bottom line: I'm just not old enough to listen to this. Even now.

Have to say I'm tempted to keep this LP. Textured cover, no bar code, palm tree label, basically unplayed, with fold out insert. It's a beautiful piece. But naaaaaa.

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