Saturday, May 4, 2019

Winds of Sirius - Beyond All Temples and Myths. 1999 France

If you ever wondered what it would be like if the Knights Templar had released a heavy metal album - and who wouldn't think about that? - then Wind of Sirius gives us a peephole into that fantasy world.

Though the album and songs are all titled in English, the booklet indicates the lyrics to be in French. Even with headsets I could not figure out what language they were singing in! The vocals are all of the Bleaahh, bliiii, BRAAAAAAAA variety. Perhaps Jacques de Molay sounded like this? Hey you never know...

The whole album is so damned earnest it's hysterical. But there are good ideas here, especially the use of keyboards and the overall sinister air. Makes one really believe they've entered some dark castle and are about to learn how to cast magic spells with some sultry vixen nearby.

RYM designates the genre here to be Gothic meets Death Doom. OK, sounds good. Not for me I'm afraid.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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