Saturday, March 16, 2019

Florian Geyer - Beggars Pride. 1976 Germany

So who was Florian Geyer anyway? He was your basic 15th/16th century nobleman turned subversive warrior, who played around in the Luther camp for awhile, before going even more radicalized and ultimately was killed off for being too much of a rabble-rouser. Interesting to note that both the Communists and the Nazi's honored him as "their kinda guy". In effect, we have a Jethro Tull situation here considering an historical figure, though one it would appear to be more controversial.

With that out of the way, when you first come across a private press rock album from 70's era Germany, you probably would ask the following: Krautrock? Nope. Progressive rock? No. Commercial/AOR? Nope. 1976? No. Germany? No. And of course RYM's king of misinformation states Boogie Rock right? Noooo (yet another mislabeled illegal download - poor guy).

So what does Florian Geyer sound like then? A 1969 era North American or British psychedelic hard rock album performed by a guitar based trio. Beggars (sic) Pride is so far removed from the era and location in which it was released, one wonders what the band had been doing throughout the early 70s, beyond hiding under a rock. There are 6 tracks here, and most are a bit more thought provoking than you might initially think. There are plenty of ideas, and thematic changes throughout. This is not your typical bonehead hard rock album. And there's also lots (yes lots) of guitar solos, both of the psychedelic and hard rock variety. Overall it's crude, but not grungy. To my ears, I hear earlier 70s German bands such as Second Life, or maybe more to the point Ainigma (another North American sounding psych group).

With the CD, you receive copious bonus tracks. I'll cover off on their singles below, which leaves us with the 4 well recorded studio tracks from 1980. Still at least 5 years behind the times, they did manage to incorporate synthesizer into their new sound. The first track 'Morphin' is really quite good, and the band has yet to entirely forego their psychedelic past. The other three tracks I can give a pass. A couple sound like mid 70s Rolling Stones rejects, and there are some... wait for it... boogie rock tracks (now there they are!). But not on the album proper...

Overall a nice pickup for fans of the late 60s hard psych sound.

Personal collection
CD: 2000 Garden of Delights

Original LPs are a small fortune. One hilarious note. There are 4 people on the front cover even though the band is a trio. The 4th? A real beggar, and the inspiration for the title.

The CD first came out on Penner, which was the precursor to the better named Garden of Delights. Comes with the usual great liner notes and 8 bonus tracks.


Candle of My Burial / Monday Afternoon. 1974

If you thought the sole album by Florian Geyer was crude, then wait until you hear their one single from 1974. Honestly it sounds like something from 1966. Not bad on the whole but maannn, you'll need to spray your stereo down after playing this.

I cannot find physical evidence of this 45. According to the liner notes, it was released in an edition of 500. One would think a copy would have showed up by now. So I'm questioning that part at least. But the music most certainly exists!

Hurrican is the band formerly known as Florian Geyer, apparently trying to "be relevant". Florian Geyer couldn't be relevant to their era if their life depended on it. One would expect perhaps a shot at the New Wave or Synth Pop here? Nope - more of the same bad 70s Rolling Stones emulation their 1980 material hinted at. Weird lot those guys were - yep.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...