Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vespero & Ángel Ontalva - Carta Marina. 2018 Russia / Spain

Carta Marina is the instrumental collaboration album of Angel Ontalva from Spain and the Russian group Vespero. An interesting pairing, but given that both represent some of the best progressive rock music of the last 15 years, I think this is going to be great album. At least on paper.

And it came to pass that yes - it is. Angel Ontalva is the guitar player, chief composer, and defacto leader of October Equus. Their early albums were something of a psychedelic avant prog combination, a unique juxtaposition of sound. And that psychedelic effect was primarily achieved via Ontalva's heavy fuzz tone, and somewhat unhinged playing, which was the dichotomy against the rest of the band's more structured approach. Enter Vespero, arguably the best space rock band operating in the world today. What separates our friends from Astrakhan from the rest of the pack, is that Vespero is not one just to jam out, and hopefully find a groove or two to explore. But rather the group enjoys composition with their improvisation, plus they add indigenous elements for a truly exotic blend. They are at once a space rock band, yet also progressive rock, and while still paying an occasional homage to Krautrock.

So there's your ingredient label, but how does it taste? Excellent in fact. There's a bit of that "two strong leaders vying for the top position" within these songs, and it's clear the impact of each artist's unique sound. At an hour long, there's an investment of time here, especially considering the first listen doesn't reveal nearly enough. It takes a few hours worth of hearing to let it soak through. There are no obvious highlights here, yet there's nothing worthy of skip button status either. While this isn't the peak album of either camp, the results together are still undeniably great. If either band are on your radar today, then you can't go wrong here.

Ownership: CD: 2018 VMS (Russia). Digifile. VMS stands for Vespero's Mobile Studio.

2/16/19 (new entry)

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