Friday, November 30, 2018

Scram ~ USA ~ Ohio

Scram (1980)

Scram were a band from Springfield, Ohio that represented the second incarnation of Lodestar, a fine group who had put out one solid hard rock album in 1977. Leaving behind Lodestar's fraternal rhythm section - and later one of the lead guitarists - Scram were very much of their era in terms of hard rock with commercial ambition. They clearly weren't tuned into the metal underground as this was music to get a record deal and regular steady gigs at various regional clubs. Mostly held back by the tendency to fall into the AOR tropes of the day, they still had a few good hard rockers in 'Street Rat Shuffle', 'Patchwork Blue', and the opening title track. They don't really let loose until the last two minutes of 'Mirror Minds', by which time most have tuned out. Worth hearing for genre fans though.

Reissued on CD by Retrospect (2009)

11/30/18 (review)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...