Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pandora - Alibi Filosofico. 2013 Italy

Just when you think you've got Pandora figured out as an Italian retro progressive rock unit, out comes Alibi Filosofico. They really do open up Pandora's Box on this one, and throw caution to the wind. If one thought Pandora was out of the metal business, then the band made sure there was no doubt they are back in. Only one minute into the release, not only are metal guitars back in vogue, but now they've introduced thrash amongst the usual prog rock mayhem. So perhaps they've decided to go the same route their fellow Italians Garden Wall did? Well.. no, not that either. There's also piano concerto's, straight jazz bits, folk, traditional prog metal, and Banco Del Mutuo Succorso inspired retro progressive Italiana. My only complaint is much of the material is geared towards genre hopping moreso than a fully integrated solution (I see I'm starting to mix my work terms into my music reviews - need to retire). This is a trend we've seen quite a bit over the last decade, and this technique gives the appearance that it's more progressive than it really is. The early 70s masters would use influences or snippets of other genres, but they were rarely self-contained pieces as we find on Alibi Filosofico. Overall, it's a very creative release, though I found myself enjoying the predecessor a bit more.

Ownership: CD: 2013 BTF/AMS

6/28/14 (new entry)

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