Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kenso - Utsuroi Yuku Mono. 2006 Japan

Kenso’s career has taken them to many different styles and genres over the years. Their 8th studio album Utsuroi Yuku Mono
 sees Kenso consolidate what they do best, and offers up no less than 17 tracks of tightly structured symphonic fusion, where melodies are treated with respect. While perhaps not as exhilarating as Fabulis Mirabilibus de Bombycosi Scriptis, there's no doubting this is Kenso, and their full-on tightly woven progressive rock sound is very much intact. The final three part track (entitled 'Codon' parts 1-2-3)  - and totaling only seven minutes combined - are a complete departure from this album and Kenso's sound in general. They are in fact a rock based interpretation on Flamenco music with its vocal tradition (by a female in this case). Perhaps they should have been labeled as bonus tracks, but then again the cover features a pretty Japanese lady adorned in traditional Andalusian costume, so who knows? Whatever the case, these being the final tracks, I feel they leave a confusing mark on an otherwise typically great Kenso styled instrumental symphonic album. Listen to the first 14 tracks and rate on those before embarking further.

Ownership: CD: 2006 Nexus

9/27/14 (new entry)

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UMR update

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