Saturday, October 6, 2012

Herba d'Hameli - Girafes a Sibèria. 2011 Spain

One of the key ingredients to the greatness of the previous album Inversa Visual was the beautiful flute work which immediately called to mind the great Catalan group Gotic. Said member has since left the group, and yet this album is just as stunning, which surprises me probably more than anyone else. So how did they make up the significant loss you may ask? Stunning synthesizer and guitar playing is how, with plenty of rhythm changes to keep you involved. Beautiful melodies never fail either, and L'Herba d'Hameli prove themselves here as well. This is the rare modern progressive rock album that has the warmth of a mid 1970s release. The Catalan vocals also have a soft affected tone to them which adds to the positive nature of the recording. Classic 1970's era  Camel looms large here, and it's all for the better.

Ownership: CD: 2011 private

10/6/12 (new entry)

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