Saturday, May 2, 2015

Eldberg - Par er Heimur Hugans. 2015 Iceland

Eldberg returns 4 years later from their debut with yet another stunning retro prog album, with excellent compositions and thick analog sounds, especially in the keyboard department. And.... they continue to bring forth epic tales sung in beautiful Icelandic. For those who insist on understanding the words, then Eldberg is not likely to be for you, unless you're fortunate enough to have spent a vast amount of time in Iceland itself. Personally, as someone who enjoys hearing music sung in the native tongue, I appreciate the vocals as yet another musical instrument, and the singing provided is well done here. In many ways, Eldberg is the second generation of the obscure Norwegian band Octopus ("Thaerie Wiighen"). Fine with me. It's not like the world is filled with albums such as this. After multiple listens, I'd say Eldberg has improved upon their already excellent debut. While they grade out about the same, the band is inching closer to world class status. I already look forward to a 3rd album from them!

Ownership: CD: 2015 Mylodon

5/2/15 (new entry)

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UMR update

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