Friday, October 12, 2018

September - various singles. 1970-1971 Netherlands

1970's 'Little Sister' is more rough and ready than the band's two 1971 singles, and offer at least a hint that the group that would become Cargo - and that they were hard rockers at heart after all. 'Walk on By' is definitely an inventive hard psychedelic version of one of Bacharach's best compositions. I kind of wish they'd flown in Dionne Warwick to sing on it though. Wow, now that would've been awesome. Anyway - easily September's best single.

'Yelly Rose' is a Beatles-esque pop psych number that offers no hints at all that the band would eventually become the hard rocking Cargo. 'If Mr. Right Comes Along' is an intriguing psychedelic instrumental, with a fine fuzz guitar lead, and sharp organ playing - an instrument the group would abandon for their future.

Hard to believe only one short year later, the band evolved into Cargo - and promptly released one of the all-time great hard rock jam albums. Though the lead guitar here does give hints of things to come, but mostly this is song oriented straightforward rock.

Ownership: CD: 1993 Pseudonym. All of the September singles can be found as bonus tracks on the above CD for Cargo (1972).

10/12/18 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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