Friday, March 27, 2015

La Coscienza di Zeno - La Notte Anche Di Giorno. 2015 Italy

La Coscienza di Zeno's (CdZ) immense potential, I went forward with their 3rd release La Notte Anche di Giorno sound unheard. Or as we collectors like to say "auto buy". And the result? Well, unfortunately, this band continues to sit on that cusp between very good and excellent - and this time I rounded down instead of up. On the plus side, they did add a violinist full time which adds much to the melody and atmosphere department. Alessio Calandriello continues to belt it out with the best of them, and his voice is truly something to behold. I'll also give them points for supplying more textures and color while he sings, rather than sit back and be content with a simple rhythm. All this sounds like a distinct improvement on Sensitivita. And it is, so what exactly is the issue here? The songwriting. CdZ have this nagging desire to paint with broad strokes when delicate intricacies are needed. There are two long suites this time. The opener is Giovane Figlia, and I was at first quite disappointed in the direction, though I was stricken by the melody. With CdZ, I get a sense of commercial styled pop music at times when the band goes for these simpler structures. Then came part 3: Libero Pensatore, and suddenly I was mesmerized, proving to me that CdZ really are force to be reckoned with. From there through the remainder of the suite, I was captivated with the brilliance of Domenico Ingenito's violin, Calandriello's voice, and the analog/digital keyboards/piano of Luca Scherani. To me, it sounded like the very best of Sithonia (a UTR favorite) updated for 2015 (or 1973 lol). The melody line is sublime, and no one can sing it better. Going into suite number two, I was convinced this would be CdZ's finest album. But I was let down, and the return of the broader - almost Pink Floyd like - soundscapes and slow pompousness returned. The overall effect is maudlin, not joyous, or even introspective. It's not the right sound for the band in my estimation. In reading other reviews, I fear that I'm in the minority here. Let me be absolutely clear though: I like this band and I like this album. But I know they can do better (at least for my tastes, so take that for whatever it's worth). The beauty of progressive rock is that it can be played many times over and new results will emerge. For better or worse. 

Former ownership: CD: 2015 Fading. Tri-fold digipak

3/27/15 (first listen / review / new entry); 2/18/24

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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