Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hinn Islenski Thursaflokkur - Pursabit. 1979 Iceland

Hinn íslenski þursaflokkur, anglicized to Hinn Islenski Thursaflokkur, and often times referred to simply as Thursaflokkur, were one of Iceland's most interesting progressive rock bands. On Pursabit (Þursabit), the music could be characterized as an Icelandic Gryphon, reaching back to an historical period of music, and bringing it forward to the 1970s. One will also hear the zany sounds of Samla Mammas Manna, the melodic tones of Focus, as well as some typical European jazz fusion. This one takes a bit to get going, as it dabbles more in folkloric realms at the beginning. The meat of the album starts on track 5 'Æri-Tobbi' and concludes on track 9 'Sjö Sinnum', before closing as it began. This album is a borderline 3.5/4.0 (Gnosis 10/11), but I'm boosting it primarily due to the unique content it displays. There really wasn't any other band like Hinn Islenski Thursaflokkur.

Personal collection
CD: 1992 Steinar

I was expecting this CD to be quite rare nowadays, but it turns out to have been reissued two more times on CD. I first thought the Discogs entry for the Steinar CD to be a mistake, since it was from 1998, but the scans clearly show it to be a later press (I need to add the original CD now!). In 2009 another Icelandic pressing showed up.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...