Monday, April 9, 2018

Kontrast - Volume I & II. 1986 Germany

Kontrast was Out of Focus Ver 2.0, and at this point in their career they sounded more like Embryo than Embryo did! Kontrast band leader Remigius Drechsler had been with Embryo for about a year, so perhaps not so surprising. Strong ethno prog/jazz rock with flute, sax, stringed instruments, with Asiatic/North African melodic themes. Some fusion and more than a hint of the psychedelic. Very much out of its time, and decidedly non-80s sounding.

Volume II is a full album of archival material. A bit more loose than the album proper but still satisfying.

Ownership: CD: 2008 Cosmic Egg (UK)

Former ownership: LP: 1986 Remi. Single sleeve. This would be Volume I of the CD.

4/19/18 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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