Saturday, December 8, 2012

Moonwagon - Foyers of the Future. 2012 Finland

For their followup Foyers of the Future, it appears Moonwagon are consciously moving away from their Ozric Tentacles roots, and trying their hand at slower, more melodic music - citing perhaps the influence of a group such as the Future Kings of England. 'Elsewhere' opens the album with a Pink Floyd styled atmospheric rock number. This is followed by two rave-ups 'New World Warrior' and 'Dawnwind' that recall "Night Dust", and it would seem Moonwagon are off to the races. But from track 4 on, they put on the breaks and the focus is more on melody and atmosphere, rather than rhythms and pyrotechnics. I think I prefer the former style, but it will be interesting to see where Moonwagon goes from here.

Ownership: CD: 2012 Presence

12/8/12 (new entry); 9/7/18

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