Friday, August 16, 2019

Group 1850 - Polyandri. 1975 Netherlands

One would expect that after 5 years on from Paradise Now, a band would have changed directions radically. Especially in an era when musical trends changed with the seasons. Perhaps a fusion album? Hard rock maybe? Pop? But not Group 1850. Still going after it with their unique brand of psychedelic progressive music. In fact, Polyandri is more refined and varied while still being a primarily instrumental album . This album features an array of sounds from complex progressive rock compositions to simple bluesy workouts and onto trippy psych organ based excursions similar to their first 2 LP's. Wonderfully out of touch for 1974!

LP: 1975 Rubber
CD: 2019 Pseudonym (as part of an 8 CD box set called Purple Sky)
CD: 2017 Universal (as part of the 2 CD set called The Golden Years of Dutch Pop Music)

The LP comes in a folder cover. To talk about the date: There's no date anywhere on the LP except a mention in the insert of a recording time of January, 1974. By deduction, one could conclude this was released in 1974. However, the Purple Sky Box states: (legal troubles with the studio) "...Eventually some kind of settlement was reached and the album was released in November 1975 on Rubber Records, a label formed by Sjardin with a couple of business partners." This would explain the large gap in time. And settles the matter unless other data emerges to the contrary.

The Twilight Tone bootleg is a disaster, and the 2017 Universal version is considerably better, but still obviously taken from vinyl. Same can be said for the Pseudonym reissue, except the sound is the best I've heard outside of the original LP of course.

Originally published December 26, 2017 and moved forward with new notes from last listen.

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...