Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kama Loka. 2013 Sweden

Starting with a droning minor key cello, Kama Loka immediately evokes the sounds of classic Algarnas Tradgard. The violin, Hammond organ, flute, sax, and Swedish vocals only enhance the comparison. Eventually some psychedelic guitar enters in, and the music moves closer to classic Flasket Brinner. Kama Loka is a project made up from the fine folks who brought us the Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting albums. For those who love the early 1970's Swedish psychedelic progressive scene, like myself, then this album is a no-brainer pickup.

Ownership: LP: 2013 Kommun 2. Gatefold. Taller than average and super thick.

CD: 2013 Transubstans. Digipak

4/9/13 (new entry); 1/21/14

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