Monday, July 2, 2012

Barrett Elmore - Woodlands. 2012 Sweden

The first significant track here, 'The Creek', gives us a sleight of hand, as it purports that Barrett Elmore are coming from the neo-psych / shoegaze camp. But my fears were quickly removed by 'The Nixie', and the album manages to get weirder, more psychedelic and even progressive with each track. By the end of the album, on the 12 minute bonus track 'Psilocybe Semilanceata', Barrett Elmore are firing on all the right cylinders (or dropping all the right tabs). This is the kind of album one would expect to come out of the Subliminal Sounds stable with Gustav Ejstes writing the songs and Reine Fiske providing acid fuzz leads. File next to your three Smell of Incense albums.

Ownership: CD: 2012 Trail (USA)

7/2/12 (new netry)

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