Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Potemkine - Triton. 1977 France

Potemkine, from Toulouse, were a very interesting band who emerged in the mid 70s. They combined both Zeuhl and jazz rock to great effect. Somewhere between a stripped-down Zao and Transit Express. Triton is arguably their most Zeuhl influenced work, and the album that I had considered their best in the past by a long shot. I don't necessarily feel that way today - that it's so much better than the others, but it's still the one I'd choose if pressed. There's quite a bit of electric guitar here - not a Zeuhl staple - and instead of manic Kobaian chanting, they prefer wordless voices. The bass playing, as is usually the case, is what gives the game away that they are indeed a band influenced by the Magma camp. But it's not a threatening album, and for those who'd rather dip their foot into the Zeuhl ocean, Triton offers a safety net. Easy recommendation, especially for those already predisposed to the 70s French underground.

Ownership: LP: 1977 Voxigrave. Single sleeve. Recent online acquisition (2022). My introduction of the album came via the Phaeton press in 1990, which could still be purchased new back then. Not until recently did I realize that was a reissue. In any case, I let it go once the CD hit the market. 

CD: 2001 Soleil Zeuhl. Excellent reissue. Features great sound, liner notes, and copious bonus tracks. The CD itself is now quite rare, and it remains the sole reissue of the album. The bonus tracks include 2 from the debut, as well as the 2 tracks from their 1974 single. The remaining tracks from the debut can be found on the Nicholas II CD - and that's how Soleil Zeuhl decided to reissue Potemkine: All of their recorded output on 2 CDs.

11/17/11; 9/3/17 (new entry); 2/15/22 (LP acquisition)


  1. Just stumbled upon a reissue of Foetus. Vinyl only, I'm afraid. Unless you want to go digital, in which case you can have it for free:

  2. Thanks Bas, good to know. I do have both Soleil Zeuhl CDs, so I own Foetus in that way. It appears that CD remains rare.


Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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