Saturday, April 1, 2017

Cant - Tides. 1996 Germany

Had they only named their band by the phonetic spelling of Kant instead. Cant is actually a good word (meaning “hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, typically of a moral, religious, or political nature”), but unfortunately its common usage is very light. Rather to American eyes, Cant is Can’t. Like most modern industrialized nations, we have become way too soft in the middle – and transformed into a nation of whiners. I can’t because it’s too hard. I can’t because it’s too far. I can’t because it’s too expensive. I can’t because I’m too tired. I can’t read this anymore because I’m hungry. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa. Or even if misspelled, one could think of the philosopher Immanuel Kant. Oh well. Let’s try to overlook the name. But I can’t… 

Anyway, on top of a confusing name, the band followed in the footsteps of other off-the-wall German prog metal bands during the middle 90s. Payne’s Gray is completely off the rails, and Superior’s debut is more on the inside track, but between these two oddballs is Cant. And talk about inauspicious openings, ‘Love in Your Heart’ might as well have been on a Michael Bolton album for goodness sake. WTH? Like Payne’s Gray, the metal aspect of their sound doesn’t show up until song 2. Each track gets more progressive than the last. By the middle of the album, we are deeply immersed into long epics with multiple themes and meter shifts. How did that happen? Did I miss a step? Is this two albums on the same CD? Even more funny, is the album’s most progressive track, the almost 16 minute ‘Shades of Blue‘ isn’t even listed on the back tray. It skips from song 4 to song 6. How off center can one get and still be straight down the middle?

Tides is an incredibly obscure album. One other person claims ownership on Discogs with me. It’s never been for sale, except for a copy with a different cover (what??). Nobody is looking for it (has anyone even heard of it?). On RYM there are two ratings including me. So three of us in the world claim ownership of this. Ponderings that need conclusions. File next to your Secrecy albums, a hidden metaphor if there ever was one. Anyway, if you be one of 'dem prog metal guys, 'den I suggest you find 'dis one. Just don't tell me you can't find it.

Ownership: CD: 1996 CSD. Jewel case.

4/1/17 (first listen / review / new entry)

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