Friday, August 19, 2016

Sintesis - s/t. 1976 Argentina

Sintesis were an obscure instrumental band who released this one fine album back in 1976, and this is my first exposure to the work, perhaps unbelievably considering its greatness. Sintesis' music is at that exciting point between jazz rock and progressive. In particular the guitar playing is kinetic, and provides the jumpy leads over the irregular rhythms. At times, an edgy fuzz tone psychedelic guitar adds an incendiary element. Soft lines of flute and violin smooth the edges, and provide the beautiful melodic phrases. This is an album that seems to be on the precipice of jumping off to immortality, only to be reeled back by more traditional jazz rock offerings, often times lead by the saxophone. In particular 'Algunas Maneras De Expresarme' is sublime, as are the opening two tracks and the closer. The CD on BlueArt (see more below) adds an excellent bonus track. When looking at comparisons, one hears the early 70s Italian jazz rockers such as La Seconda Genesi or Duello Madre. Combine this with local stars such as Crucis, jazz rock era Arco Iris, and the equally obscure El Trio. A super find, when it seemed all others of its ilk had already been dug up and safely placed in museums.

Personal collection
CD: 2016 BlueArt

The new CD on BlueArt is awesome, with excellent sound (appears to be from the masters), and full liner notes (in Spanish though), plus the aforementioned bonus track. BlueArt specializes mainly in jazz and Tango, so this is my first exposure to them, even though they've been around for over 15 years. The CD has yet to be entered into Discogs, which I may end up doing myself (and just did...). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first legitimate reissue. It appears the excellent PRW of Brazil had intended on reissuing it nearly 20 years ago, going so far as to apply a catalog number, but we (the collective we) cannot find evidence of it actually being released. If anyone can prove this to the contrary, I would be much obliged. 

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...