Thursday, October 30, 2014

Isaiah - s/t. 1975 Austria

Isaiah's sound is more typical of what was coming from Germany circa 1971-72 with flute, guitar, and excellent vocals in the lead. It's a bit more commercialized which is common for the era. As for the second album (recorded between 1973 and 1977), this version of the band is far more bluesy than the album proper, though no less enjoyable. Very interesting group, that fits well with their German contemporaries (like a cross between Birth Control, Nosferatu, and Bullfrog), but I can't think of a similar Austrian band! While there are certainly better albums in the field, I still recommend Isaiah to fans of the genre.

Personal collection
LP+CD: 2014 Digatone

Originals are very rare and typically sell in the $300-$500 range. For years, this title was mired in the pirate world, until Digatone came to the rescue this year. In short order, Digatone have become the premier indigenous label for Austrian progressive and underground rock. The LP reissue is a 2 vinyl set that also includes a full album's worth of unique material in studio quality. The second LP had previously been reissued as a bootleg under the title of "Forgotten Records" with some slight alterations. In addition to the extra album, there are full liner notes and a CD featuring both albums. Without question, this is the de facto version to own!

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...