Monday, April 7, 2014

Deterrent - Re-Invention. 1994 Germany

I've had this album on a want list for about 14 years, ever since I heard this band compared to Watchtower, early Sieges Even, etc... And now I've finally secured a CD for myself.

And that's exactly what this is: Old School Technical Thrash Metal. Extremely dense compositions, including acoustic bits and a jazzy disposition - all within the framework of a traditional thrash metal workout. If you're a fan of bands such as Osiris (NTH), Taramis, Realm, Mekong Delta, Deathrow, and the aforementioned two bands, then be sure to hunt this obscure private press down. The vocals are more subdued than most in this genre, and there's no ball-squeezer shrieking to be found here. Which can be a good or bad thing depending on your perspective... Overall, it tracks closest to "Manic Impressions" era Anacrusis, minus the schizophrenic vocal approach. I can listen to stuff like this all day, but certainly not for everyone - even die-hard metal fans.

Ownership: CD: 1994 Pogo Pop

4/7/14 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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