Sunday, December 12, 2010

Toshiaki Yokota & The Beat Generation - Flute Adventure. 1971 Japan

Yokota was the flutist on the Love Live Life + 1 album (I always presumed he was the "+ 1" but I'm not sure of that). He was also a guest on Kimio Mizutani's excellent A Path Through Haze as well as Hiro Yanagida's Milk Time. Yokota was definitely embedded in the Japanese underground brain-scorched Rat Pack that's for sure.

Flute Adventure is a mix of flute based underground acid psych and ethnic woodwind journeys, drizzled with a dash of cocktail lounge. So yes, a little Yatha Sidhra, a little Bjorn J:Son Lindh, some Jeremy Steig, even a smattering of Herbie Mann – all through the Ohr label aesthetic of phased out head exploders like Annexus Quam. And it’s a full band effort, not just an album with solo flute. No, this one has plenty of fuzz guitar and tribal percussion to add to the frenzied party. Absolutely essential for the freakshow hidden deep within you.

CD: 2007 King

Interesting to note that all the tracks are in either French or Portuguese (thanks Isabel!).


  1. hi Tom,

    no "French or Spanish" but "French or Portuguese"
    tracks 2,3,4 and 5 are Brazilian music.


    Isabel :o)

  2. Oops! You're so right Isabel. Thanks for the catch!

  3. Tom,

    if you don't know this site, i guess you will like, is possible listen a bit from each album
    Isabel :o)

  4. I did, but thanks for the link as I should have added it them! I have links on the bottom of the Primitive Community post as well ;-)

  5. No fair! ProgNotFrog copied you!


  6. LOL - Hi Ben. Yep, but that's OK. I have many friends there and they're welcome to any of my comments. It's a great site!

  7. Ben Sommer you're wrong. it was posted on PNF in October 22, 2010, so 50 days before

    its gate to its owner


  8. Hi Misongod - I think Ben meant the comments for the Primitive Community album.

    Which is now on Prog Not Frog. It's all good with me though. I was shocked the album showed up so quickly after my post. I had looked for that album forever, and it cost my buddy some money. But there it is right after. I'm glad though. It's such a great album. Everyone should hear it.

    As far as Flute Adventure, I bought that right after it came out in 2007. It's a great CD!

  9. if the mistake was mine, please accept my apologies

  10. No apologies necessary here. Prog Not Frog is a great website who only publish rarities not available anywhere else. I applaud everyone there for their efforts. Thanks for the comment!

  11. Hi Tom,

    What about their Elevation album? We don't even have it in Gnosis and I saw is carrying it. Looks like it was re-issued on CD last year. Some YouTube clips that show how great this album is:

    These are ripped from LP, but hopefully the CD will sound better.


  12. Hi Eddie,

    You know, I'm just not sure about some of his work. I'll need to research what you've left here. I thought he had a bunch of exploitation/covers type albums, but maybe Elevation isn't one of them?

    - Tom


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...