Sunday, October 12, 2014

Braen's Machine - Underground. 1971 Italy

Underground is simply an amazing find. Take one part instrumental film/library/exploito ala Blue Phantom, The Bigroup, Psycheground, and Fourth Sensation and complete that with atmospheres that rival the earliest Krautrock scene ala early Guru Guru and Can. Absolutely phenomenal fuzz guitar jamming throughout, with loads of studio effects to upset your inner balance and ultimately turn you into a barking mad fellow. And that's what we all are, aren't we? If not, listen to this, and join us will you?

Ownership: LP+CD: 2014 Schema. Almost precisely the same scenario as yesterday's The Feed-Back album. Originals are off the charts rare, fetching in the $1K range. So Milan's Schema has come to the rescue again, and reissued the album on CD and LP (with a CD as a bonus). And once again I picked up the LP/CD package for a few dollars more. Don't miss these reissues! And the sound is fantastic (most assuredly from the masters), and the liner notes this time are in English providing much needed detail behind this extraordinary work. And via this reissue we learn none other than Rino de Filippi is responsible for the contents within (along with Alessandro Alessandroni and a full set of studio musicians at the ready). CDRWL regulars will recall De Filippi was behind one of the greatest mysteries on the site until it was cleared up by Italian Prog expert Augusto Croce. It's great to be able to unwind all of these identities some 43 years later!

5/15/07; 10/12/14 (new entry)

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Titan ‎~ USA ~ Brooklyn, New York

Titan (2006) Titan is an interesting band. They released only three albums with the middle one being the piece de resistance. They closed of...